Billy Lee Blog Establish a “Fundamentocracy”, Not a Technocracy July 10, 2023July 10, 2023thebillyleeadmin To turn every facet of our life and within the human experience toward technical solutions is a travesty. We are at a stage where technology is dictating our way of…Continue readingEstablish a “Fundamentocracy”, Not a Technocracy
Billy Lee Blog On Racism and Groupthink – Be an Individual January 11, 2023January 13, 2023thebillyleeadmin Fatal Groupthink begins with an individual. A bad idea doesn’t occur to two minds as if they are one. A bad idea occurs to one mind. Another mind could be…Continue readingOn Racism and Groupthink – Be an Individual
Billy Lee Blog from Mixed Market Artist Freeing the Sports World of Steroids, Silencing Donald Sterling, Stopping Global Warming and more… December 10, 2022December 10, 2022thebillyleeadmin FIRST PUBLISHED: MIXEDMARKETARTIST.COM When the division of labour has been once thoroughly established, it is but a very small part of a man’s wants which the produce of his own…Continue readingFreeing the Sports World of Steroids, Silencing Donald Sterling, Stopping Global Warming and more…
Billy Lee Blog Don’t Turn into a Mutant. November 4, 2022April 7, 2024thebillyleeadmin The human race, with full knowledge of the mechanics of the evolutionary process, is barreling headlong to where you might expect the indulgence of everything carnal to take us. A…Continue readingDon’t Turn into a Mutant.
Billy Lee Blog Featured from Mixed Market Artist Terminology Matters – Redefining Unemployment, Recessions, Marriage, and Man September 20, 2022September 22, 2022thebillyleeadmin BY BILLY LEE FIRST PUBLISHED: MIXED MARKET ARTIST It is the height of stupidity for economists and “experts” to alter the understanding of terms that are basic and fundamental. Our…Continue readingTerminology Matters – Redefining Unemployment, Recessions, Marriage, and Man
Billy Lee Blog Billy Lee Music/Poetry The “Land of the Free” Ends in Sloth and Gluttony May 17, 2022May 17, 2022thebillyleeadmin There once was a country made of free, strong, hard working families… Their success seduced them to pick leaders who got them cheap plastic trinkets made from slaves in faraway…Continue readingThe “Land of the Free” Ends in Sloth and Gluttony
Billy Lee Blog Billy Lee Music/Poetry Featured from Excessive Moderation Will Smith Diss…Educating Will Smith/A Meditation on U.S. Culture April 12, 2022April 12, 2022thebillyleeadmin Billy Lee, portfolio entrepreneur, derivatives trader, sports performance geek, and wellness revolution advocate, riffs on an array of topics. Everything is fair game! Visit – Billy Lee’s unrivaled strategic capital…Continue readingWill Smith Diss…Educating Will Smith/A Meditation on U.S. Culture
Billy Lee Blog Featured from Excessive Moderation Decentralization vs Central Planner Bootlickers; Deploying Decentralized Control WINS! Freedom! March 26, 2022March 26, 2022thebillyleeadmin A plurality of decision makers or decentralized power beats the central planner. A spirit of innovation thrives in cultures without an authoritarian central planner. Billy Lee, portfolio entrepreneur, derivatives trader,…Continue readingDecentralization vs Central Planner Bootlickers; Deploying Decentralized Control WINS! Freedom!
Featured Humor BREAKING: Krugman’s New Research Astounds Economists; Another Nobel Looming! (Satire) March 9, 2022August 31, 2022thebillyleeadmin Did you think Krugman was losing it when he said that inflation may be good for the poor as you can read in Clueless Paul Krugman – Doing for Poor…Continue readingBREAKING: Krugman’s New Research Astounds Economists; Another Nobel Looming! (Satire)
Billy Lee Motivation Featured ❤️MY GIFT TO MY FRIENDS FOR LENT. CHEERS. 🙏2022 – SPIRITUAL/PHYSICAL EXERCISE March 5, 2022March 5, 2022thebillyleeadmin Visit-