The “Land of the Free” Ends in Sloth and Gluttony

There once was a country made of free, strong, hard working families…

Their success seduced them to pick leaders who got them cheap plastic trinkets made from slaves in faraway places…

They bought huge cars, pulled up to windows and food was dumped down their throats…

They found new and fancy ways to complain…

They obsessed over their genitalia that they could barely see…

For lack of ability to gain sight of their genitals, they made up characters that they might be…

They let in foreigners to do their work and faked disabilities…

They fiddled with phones in their hands sharing thoughts of a people that only watched others work…

They shared thoughts of confrontation, and the working foreigners laughed to themselves…

They fought over a future that would never be theirs…

They never realized to claim rights over what other people worked for is completely absurd.

(Click to visit Excessive Moderation Podcast.)

By Billy Lee

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Billy Lee as half robot.

Billy Lee, CEO of Great White Financial, is a sportsman, businessman, artist, speaker, writer, and producer.

Billy is the Founder of the Wellness Institute for Economic Growth and Kairos Athletics. Listen to his podcast – Excessive Moderation.

You can follow him on Twitter.